Boarding and flights
Frequently asked question
Q1:How many hours before departure do we need to get to the airport?
A:Please check in at least 1 hour before boarding with SPRING AIRLINES and Tigerair and also please check in at least 30 minutes before boarding with SKYMARK AIRLINES.
You can check in 2 hours before the departure with any airlines at Ibaraki airport.
It is easier to navigate the compact Ibaraki Airport than Haneda or Narita Airport, but please visit the check-in counter well ahead of departure.
Q2:Where can we buy a flight ticket?
A:To purchase a ticket, please visit the respective airline’s website, call their reservation center, or contact a travel agency.The Ibaraki Airport website has information on tour products.
Q3:Can we buy a flight ticket inside the airport?
A:A ticket can be bought on the day of departure if there is a vacant seat on the flight. For Skymark Airlines, a ticket can be bought at the Skymark check-in counter with cash or credit card, at least one hour before boarding. For Spring Airlines, please buy a ticket at their check-in counter before the check-in procedure is completed, with cash or credit card.
You can purchase your flight ticket only SPRING AIRLINES and SKYMARK AIRLINES at the counter in the airport.
Q4:Where can we get flight information during typhoons or other bad weather?
A:Please check with the respective airline, or on their website.
Q5:Boarding ramps are used for boarding. What boarding measures are available for wheelchair users?
A:Wheelchair users can board by way of the elevator.
Please inform the airline or travel agency of such special requirements when reserving a flight ticket or tour product.
Q6:How much baggage can be brought on the airplane?
A:About baggage policy
Please ask about baggage policy to the each airline or check the airline’s official website.
About baggage of SKYMARK AIRLINES