Fare-free-bus service to Ibaraki Airport after a stay in Ibaraki Prefecture


Passengers utilizing Ibaraki Airport, staying at hotels, inns and other accommodation facilities in Ibaraki Prefecture can use an access bus for free one way to Ibaraki Airport from either Mito station or Ishioka Station.

Possible passengers to receive the benefit

Those who use Ibaraki Airport taking domestic or international flight and stay at hotels, inns and other accommodation facilities in Ibaraki Prefecture regardless of being Japanese or Non-Japanese.

How to receive the benefit

Please show a bus conductor one of the following documents.

  • An accommodation certificate
  • A receipt issued by accommodation facilities where passengers stay. (Or its copy)
  • In case of travelling by a tour group, a receipt of a tour price and also a tour itinerary. (To prove payment and a stay in accommodation facilities in Ibaraki Prefecture.)

Any above-mentioned document submitted will not be returned.

Passengers who cannot produce any of the documents above will not receive the benefit. The passenger will be required to pay the standard price.

If the passenger gets off the bus before Ibaraki Airport, the benefit becomes invalid. The passenger will be required to pay the standard price.

Accommodation Certificate

Accommodation certificate in any style prepared by accommodation facilities will do.

If not available, please use a form on the following link after download. Or you can use a form printed on the back of a flyer prepared at Ibaraki Airport.


In case of stay as a group of two or more people

When passengers stay as a family or a group, please ask the accommodation facilities for writing down the number of the people in the accommodation certificate or the receipt.

Valid period of accommodation certificate

An accommodation certificate or receipt is valid for a week from the day when you leave accommodation facilities.

Ex. When leaving the hotel on Monday, you can take one-way free bus till Sunday.